“des bêtes et des sorcières”, a TV series adapted from my book “Le bestiaire des sorcières” will be on ARTE channel, from Monday, October 28th to Thursday, October 31st. at 7 p.m

“des bêtes et des sorcières”, the TV series adapted from my book “Le bestiaire des sorcières” (éditions Rustica) directed by Dominique Hennequin and produced by Nomades TV and Melusine productions will be broadcasted on ARTE channel from Monday, October 28th to Thursday, October 31st. at 7 p.m

John Howe’s illustrations  animated by Mélusine productions and animals filmed in live rotate perfectly well along the series

The series has 4 épisodes

  • Les mystères de la forêt (le cerf, le pic noir, le blaireau) / the mysteries of the forest (the stag, the black woodpecker, the badger)
  • la vie cachée de la prairie (le renard, le sphinx à tête de mort, le lièvre) / the hidden life of the meadow (the fox, the death’s-head hawkmoth, the hare)
  • les énigmes de l’étang (la couleuvre, le crapaud, la chauve-souris) / the enigmas of the pond (the garter snake, the toad, the bat)
  • les secrets de la ferme (la chouette effraie, le chat de ferme, la pie) / the secrets of the farm (the barn owl, the farm cat, the magpie)

Not to miss !

Preview of the TV series “DES BÊTES ET DES SORCIÈRES ” adapted from my book “LE BESTIAIRE DES SORCIÈRES”

Too proud ! 

Adapted from my book “Le bestiaire des sorcières” published by Rustica (have a look… at the block of text at the bottom right of the poster😄) the series “des bêtes et des sorcières” a television product by Dominique Hennequin, film director and producer in Metz (Nomades TV) will be previewed at cinéma KLUB,  5 rue Fabert – Metz on Thursday, October 10 at 7:30 pm. 

(Illustrations by John Howe animated by Melusine productions (Luxemburg) /  poster created by Mélanie Kochert)(Illustrations by Illustrations John Howe mises en animation par Mélusine productions (Luxembourg) / conception graphique de l’affiche: Mélanie Kochert)


I’ll be there for signing my book at 7:00 pm at cinema KLUB accompanied by Hisler Even bookstore. 


The series will be broadcasted on ARTE on October 28-29-30-31  at 7:00  pm then on Ushuaïa TV and ViàMirabelle

photo credit : nomades.tv

Maïk Darah, one of the voices of the TV series “Des bêtes et des sorcières” (Beast and witches)

Great moment meeting with Maïk Darah, one of the voices of the documentary series  “Des bêtes et des sorcières” (adapted from my book “Le bestiaire des sorcières”) by Dominique Hennequin film director and producer at Nomades productions… a must-see on TV Arte channel during next fall.


