After the weather disaster of August 15th, rain and gale at Place aux Arts broke my frames. A lot of damage and an early end of exhibition for me. But repairs are in progress and I will show prints, etchings, collages and paper objects at the Rougemont le château creators’ market on August 31. This village was part of my adolescence and I will be happy to return to it. It is also the home of Bruno Geyer, gardener poet with his 900 watering cans. If he is well known here, he is also known by a lot of tourists. Discover his shop if you have never visited it !

At the moment, I am exploring other medias, watercolour, markers, textile inks and playing with spontaneous drawing…

while listening to ZAKOUSKA, a group of Strasbourg musicians. I love their music, advocating “mixing and meeting people”: gypsy tunes from Romania, jazz scoundrels from New York clubs, North African transes, it’s cheerful, creative, it makes you want to travel, it makes you happy !

I went to listen to them at the Moulin de Hundsbach in Sundgau (southern Alsace for those who are not from the area), a superb place that served as a setting for an exhibition of watercolours, painting and photography during a whole weekend and I was able to enjoy them. The party was there with flambé pie, beer and local pork. New edition next year at the same time for other exhibitions and always music and festive table. I will tell you more before the event.

A little glimpse of their music?

Art exhibition (mono prints and graphic message posters) at the Bar Atteint in Belfort

Art exhibition at the Bar Atteint (alternative cultural restaurant and coffee bar) up to January.8th 2018 with some of my mono-print illustrations and a few graphic message posters  from Lucie Thuriet, graphic designer.

Address : 25 rue de la savoureuse 90000 Belfort / Tel : 09 83 91 84 99

“Le marché des arts” (Art market) is taking place in Mulhouse tomorrow saturday July 8th

“Le marché des arts” (Art market) is taking place in Mulhouse tomorrow. It is situated in square de la bourse at the end of rue du sauvage – very close to the Textile museum.

This is a very good and professional exhibition with a super atmosphere, music and a food truck.

Do not miss the event  !

I will be waiting for you under my turquoise blue parasol !