My latest books are in bookshops

My latest books are in bookshops

“Le cabinet de curiosités de la sorcière” (The Witch’s Cabinet of Curiosities)

Hello everyone, I had announced the release of my latest book, leaving the mystery of the witch character I’ve created for this beautiful book just published by Editions Rustica in the “petits précieux” collection …..

One of the most unusual cabinets of curiosities is hidden in the cabin of the witch Artemia. A woman of occult powers, a healer, an enchantress and a magician of nature, Artemia shares her most astonishing objects and ingredients with you. Turn the pages of this book and immerse yourself in the witch’s world of unusual minerals and magical plants, where legends and secrets of the mineral, plant and animal kingdoms intertwine. As in the Renaissance, when cabinets of curiosities were favored by collectors eager to discover unknown worlds and their curiosities, Artemia, today’s witch, calls on her traveling friends to bring her forgotten treasures from the four corners of the globe. Let yourself be guided and bewitched by her secret universe, and relive the days of the cabinets of curiosities that were in vogue for almost four centuries, and create your own personal chamber of wonders at home.

#cabinetdecuriosités #chambredesmerveilles #mirabilia #sorcière #sorcellerie #esoterisme #regnemineral #regnevegetal #regneanimal #legends #pratiquesmagiques #magie #magic #secretdetoileseditions #secretdetoiles

“Sorts et potions de sorcière” (“Witch spells and potions”)

Parcourez ce petit grimoire pour faire vôtre les secrets de sorcières, découvrez leurs potions, philtres et rituels remplis de magie et de bonnes intentions. #sorcière #magie #sorcellerie #rituels #esoterisme #potions #sorts #secretdetoileseditions #secretdetoiles

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