Calling on all people of good will to make washable masks for caregivers working in EPADH or visiting fragile people at home. I have contributed to this citizen action like many other little hands or seamstresses, such as Céline (Poupées de chiffon) that some of you know well and who has greatly contributed to this operation. We have worked for associations in Mulhouse and Belfort, but there is a demand all over France. It is of course voluntary work to help these frontline carers to protect themselves, without forgetting the barrier gestures. But these masks are already a first barrier when you don’t know if you are a carrier of the virus. Here is the link to the association “Réseau APA-la solidarité en plus” in Mulhouse, a city that has been very affected: / You can also visit their Facebook page. You will also find many tutorials on YouTube and different templates. By following this link, you will be able to download the one I used as well as a technical document published by Afnor. Template to download:…/Gabarit-masque-de-protec…/Gabarit-masque-de-protec… – Afnor document:…/AFNORSpec-S76-001-Masques…/AFNORSpec-S76-001-Masks…